Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gratitude #42

My gratitude today is for all my hands are able to do. Having opposable thumbs and eight functioning fingers gives me the dexterity to accomplish so much. 
I give thanks for the thousands of small things our hands carry out every day. Where would we be if we were unable to pincer our fingers and thumbs together? 
Our hands are a marvel all on their own.

Fantastic fingers. Honorable hands.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gratitude #41

By all appearances this post could be all about things I have bought today - but those two packages are all about restored hope in humankind.
Today I am extremely grateful to an unknown target shop assistant who found my misplaced package (from Pandora that contained presents for several people), and who handed it in to reception.
Her act of kindness is what makes this world a whole lot nicer to live in.

Unknown assistance. Renewed faith.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Gratitude #40

It doesn't always sit right with me to be (publicly) grateful for the things/possessions I have as it can feel that I'm taking part in the consumeristic drive that society seems keen for us to have.
But I love my bath and am so grateful that my fantastical ideas for my dream bath were able to be catered for in our renovations last year.
The bath is just right to lie down in. The edge is just right for my book/ candles/ a glass of wine to sit on.
The spout is beautiful to watch as it fills the bath. The louvers to the side allow me to look outside into our trees while I relax. It is one of my favourite places. I am a spoilt girl.

Beautiful bath. Bubbly bliss.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gratitude #39

On the weekend I got new hair - or should  I say I had a fabulous hair cut and colour created on my noggan by a good friend of mine. I was feeling so drab. Now I don't mind catching a glimpse of myself in a reflection.

Foils and a fringe. Fancy and fun!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gratitude #38

My baby is 11. Hubby M and I are officially parents of two teens and a tween. We have left the childhood years. It is a different world.
I give thanks for the 11 years I have spent thus far with my little man. He is an imaginative, spontaneous little soul. He still gives the best hugs in the world!

11 years of love. Baby no more!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gratitude #37

Look what my wonderful hubby brought home for me just because!

Ruby Red Roses. Beautiful surprise!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gratitude #36

At times I come up empty in the gratitude stakes - ungrateful I know.
So I will fall back on the - 'be grateful for what you got' - stuff.

These feet are made for walking. Hammer toe and all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gratitude #35

My hubby M and his brothers wrote and presented the most beautiful eulogy at Daph's funeral. They gave thanks for the great things Daph had accomplished in her 66 years. Hundreds of people gathered in Dalby to give thanks for what she had given to them. 
I thank Daph for making me so welcome into the family over 20 years ago, for giving so much love to my children. For all the ironing, washing, cooking and cleaning she did for us so many times. For looking after me when M went away. For helping me clear tonnes of rubbish from our yard and from under our house when M went away! 
I thank her for looking after and loving our pets. For the hundreds of cups of tea she made over the years. For the birthday cards that would arrive a week before all our birthdays. For the late night giggles she would share with Miss G when we stayed over.
Most of all I thank her for raising M to be the wonderful man he is. 

Rest in Peace Daph. Hope the coffee is great!

All in My Head

It's been tough lately. On the 22nd March we lost Daphy - our Mum and Grandma. I have written this blog a thousand times in my head. Have 'written' my gratitude for her over and over. Time for hands on the keyboard. To get out of my head. 
This blog is to be part of my journey to better health - out of my head onto the page.